Wednesday, April 4, 2012

This mama wins!

Those who have been around Travis know how picky of an eater he is. and those who've seen Blake eat, knows he's not shy ;)
Well this morning was turning into another breakfast's hard to see your child hungry and him not want to eat a good healthy breakfast. so before it turned into a long drawn out "do you want this, or this" I thought i'd ask him if he wanted green pancakes. That was a no brainier, he didn't even have to think about it. A friend told me how her mom always put food coloring in there pancakes and I thought how fun, but instead of food coloring...lets give it a real reason to be green!
so over the summer last year I was making zucchini pancakes, and they were amazing, and Travis even loved them. So since our garden isn't producing zucchini yet, why not make SPINACH PANCAKES!! 
I put a little honey on them, and they were a hit, Travis ate 2 of them, 2!!! normally its hard to get one down him, and he even washed it down with a glass of coconut milk! 
either this kid was really hungry or I've might have figured out how to trick him(at least for this morning)

& ofcourse Blake approved